Living the Raw Life!

Raw food, recept, bilder och inspiration, från en svensk hälsonörd bosatt i Södra Kalifornien.

Raw food, recipes, photos and inspiration, from a Swedish health-nerd living in Southern California.

Yes, this is a bilingual blog!

Black Walnuts, Black Hands

Black Walnuts, Black Hands

(svenska nedan) I have two black walnut trees in the backyard, and decided last weekend that I would finally start harvesting them. I had watched tutorials online on how to do this, and they all said that you should wear gloves because the stuff does stain. BS, I thought, and since I didn’t have any...
Community + Garden

Community + Garden

(svenska nedan) One of the things I love most about living in a small place is the sense of community. There is a common sense of purpose and belonging that I think it’s hard to find in larger cities. Just the other day, I came home and found this gorgeous box of fresh veggies at...
Raw Life Festival 2012 (video + special discount code)

Raw Life Festival 2012 (video + special discount code)

(svenska nedan) If you’ll be anywhere near Karlstad, Sweden on August 1-5, you should definitely sign up for the Raw Life Festival. It is the largest Northern European celebration of raw food, super health and a sustainable lifestyle. I went last year and it was amazing. You’ll attend lectures and workshops with leading raw living...
5 Days in Boston

5 Days in Boston

(se nedan för svenska) So, I’ve been traveling a bit lately and not updating (mostly because the food I’ve been eating has been anything but inspiring). At the end of last week I traveled to Boston to speak at the HOW Design Conference — a large gathering of designers from all across the U.S. It’s...
Five Reasons to do a Juice Fast

Five Reasons to do a Juice Fast

(Se nedan för Svenska) Because I’ve been so busy lately, traveling and what not, I haven’t been able to be as healthy as I would like, especially when it comes to food. So now I’m thinking it may be time for another juice fast. So what, exactly, are juice fasts good for? There are many...
Good Morning, Garden

Good Morning, Garden

(Se nedan för Svenska) The weather has been amazing here in California lately, and my garden is blooming like crazy. It really feels like summer is on its way. The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is make lemon water. Then I deal with the most urgent work things that...
Hola! I'm back.

Hola! I’m back.

(Se nedan för svenska) As you may have noticed, I took a bit of a break from blogging. What did I do, you wonder? Well, I was in Miami for a week for work (and lots of fun too), then in Costa Rica for two wonderful weeks for fun (and a tiny bit of work),...
The 8 Most Nutrient-dense Foods on Earth

The 8 Most Nutrient-dense Foods on Earth

(See below for English) Såg den här artikeln om de åtta näringsrikaste födämnena på jorden häromdagen och kan stolt säga att jag äter samtliga åtta på daglig basis. Gör du? Läs nedan på engelska eller använd Google Translate. ENGLISH: Saw this article about the eight most nutrient-dense foods on earth the other day and can...
Roadtrip/PCH/Big Sur

Roadtrip/PCH/Big Sur

(See below for English) Den tredje dagen av vår roadtrip innan nyår (här är första och andra) körde vi genom Big Sur (där det verkligen måste stannas några dagar nästa gång!). Var man än stannar längs den här sträckan finns det oerhört vacker natur — klippor, öde stränder, olika sorters gräs som svajar i vinden...


(See below for English) Den andra dagen av vår mellandagsroadtrip (se den första här) avslutades med att kolla in elefantsälarna vid Piedras Blancas. Enormt stora djur. Och de bara ligger där och solar mest. Såg mysigt ut. Tredje dagen inleddes i Monterey, där vi kollade in både gamla och nya Fisherman’s Wharf och såg vi...
Happy Healthy New Year!

Happy Healthy New Year!

(See below for English) Jag ringde in det nya året med att spela dominos, charader och 20 frågor i San Francisco. Största delen av mitt 2012 har hittills tillbringats i en bil, men nu är jag hemma och vill passa på att önska er alla ett Gott Nytt Hälsosamt År! Idag är ett perfekt tillfälle...
Roadtrip/PCH/Pismo Beach

Roadtrip/PCH/Pismo Beach

(See below for English) Efter jul gav vi oss av på en roadtrip upp mot San Francisco. Istället för den snabbaste vägen körde vi upp längs Pacific Coast Highway och stannade på massa fina ställen längs vägen. Här är Pismo Beach. ENGLISH: After Christmas we embarked on a roadtrip toward San Francisco. Instead of taking...