Living the Raw Life!

Raw food, recept, bilder och inspiration, från en svensk hälsonörd bosatt i Södra Kalifornien.

Raw food, recipes, photos and inspiration, from a Swedish health-nerd living in Southern California.

Yes, this is a bilingual blog!

Posts tagged "råfrisk"
Cleansing with the Clean Program

Cleansing with the Clean Program

(svenska nedan) Even though we do our best to eat healthy and exercise regularly, there are times when stress, too much work or just lack of time make us fall off the wagon. Like when you find yourself drinking bucketloads of coffee every morning to get into the work groove, and a few glasses of...


(svenska nedan) This past Friday, we picked up two little baby chicks from the back of a farm store. One is a Buff Orpington and the other a Gold Laced Wyandotte (that just sounds poetic, doesn’t it?). They are the tiniest, fluffiest things ever, and make little peeping sounds from inside the moving box that...
Black Walnuts, Black Hands

Black Walnuts, Black Hands

(svenska nedan) I have two black walnut trees in the backyard, and decided last weekend that I would finally start harvesting them. I had watched tutorials online on how to do this, and they all said that you should wear gloves because the stuff does stain. BS, I thought, and since I didn’t have any...
Community + Garden

Community + Garden

(svenska nedan) One of the things I love most about living in a small place is the sense of community. There is a common sense of purpose and belonging that I think it’s hard to find in larger cities. Just the other day, I came home and found this gorgeous box of fresh veggies at...
Boris Lauser Talks About His Raw Life Festival Menu

Boris Lauser Talks About His Raw Life Festival Menu

(svenska nedan) On August 1st, hundreds of raw foodies will gather on the Swedish countryside to enjoy five days of raw food and fun at this year’s Raw Life Festival. I so wish I could be there, mostly to enjoy all the delicious food that will be prepared by brilliant raw chef Boris Lauser. Trained...
Smokey Jicamasalad with Kale & Corn

Smokey Jicamasalad with Kale & Corn

(svenska nedan) Since I discovered it a few years back, I’ve really learned to love jicama, a Mexican root vegetable with a mild, slightly sweet flavor and satisfying crunch. It’s best eaten raw and perfect for slicing or grating into a refreshing summer salad. It works really well with chili powder or, better yet, smoked...
Erica Palmcrantz Aziz Talks About the Raw Food Lifestyle

Erica Palmcrantz Aziz Talks About the Raw Food Lifestyle

(svenska nedan) Erica Palmcrantz Aziz is one of Sweden’s foremost authorities on raw food. Her third book just came out in Sweden and is available for pre-order here in the U.S. It’s called Fabulous Raw Food: Detox, Lose Weight, and Feel Great in Just Three Weeks! and, like her previous books Raw Food: A Complete Guide for...
The Secret to Making Great Guacamole

The Secret to Making Great Guacamole

(Se nedan för Svenska) I’ve been asked a few times lately what my secret to make such good guacamole is, and I’m not quite sure, but I have a pretty good idea. First off, you need to make sure you start with ripe Organic avocados, otherwise your guac is never going to make it from...
Hej världen! Nu börjar vi bryta lite gamla vanor tycker jag...

Hej världen! Nu börjar vi bryta lite gamla vanor tycker jag…

Jag hälsade ju förstås på världen för över 29 år sedan, men på WordPress-språk så heter ju det första inläggen så, av ren gammal vana kan man säga. På tal om gamla vanor så handlar denna blog om att bryta just sådana, de dåliga alltså (de bra kan vi alla behålla och vårda med kärlek)....